Wednesday 25 May 2011

Catalogue Graphic Design

This is by them two lads who recently graduated from Leeds College of Art, and gone on to set up their own studio.

I've looked at this and numerous other examples of work by second years, third years and graduates. To a certain extent, the work produced by these people, and undoubtedly myself and my classmates, will in some ways be of a ever so slightly similar style. I mean, it's all relative, one person will look at a second year's work and think, yeah that's cool, take that idea and make it their own. 


And so you have it, a certain style slightly unique to LCA. I can't quite describe what I mean. It's clean-cut, it's precise, it breathes, it's professional, cool, etc. And I see it from a lot of LCA GD heads. 

What I mean is, I sorta feel like I could look at a whole wall full of posters and identify the one that was produced by someone who studied at LCA. This poster's perhaps one of them

Or maybe I'm talking total rubbish, after all, it is twenty five past three in the morning.


Evidence for this?

This one's by Scott Marc Berry.

clean-cut, simple, effective, perfected, basic, breathable, form follows function etc. etc. 

I can see it as a LCA GD style. It's nice.

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